Fraternity and Sorority Life is excited to partner with the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies to offer the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies to fraternity and sorority members. The Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies is a 12-credit program that prepares students for leadership in multiple contexts and uses practical. Upon completion, the Leadership Certificate appears on students’ academic transcripts.
Why the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies?
It provides opportunities to learn specific knowledge, skills, and values that can guide you through your collegiate journey and career path.
It can supplement and enhance any major.
Classes discuss various leadership theories and implement them to practice.
It provides opportunities for practical leadership experiences.
Upon completion, the Leadership Certificate will appear on your academic transcript.
Enrolling in the program
Each student who is interested in pursuing the Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies must schedule an advising session prior to the end of their first semester in an LDR course. For more information on the certificate program and to schedule and advising appointment, please email
Students must take three required courses and one elective course with an LDR prefix.
Three Required Courses
LDR 2101 - Leadership Theory and Practice* (3)
Leadership Theory and Practice is designed to introduce students to leadership theory and help them come to understand their unique role in leadership on campus, in their academic discipline, and within our larger society.
This course is offered online in summer, fall, and spring.
Students can enroll in any section of LDR 2101 in any term to fulfill this requirement
LDR 3215 - Leadership and Change* (3)
Leadership and Change is an advanced undergraduate leadership course that examines the change process and prepares leaders who are effective in working with individuals, groups and organizations in leading and managing change. The course is designed to be an interactive theory-to-practice course focused on leadership as a change process.
This course is offered in person twice a week for 75 minutes in fall and spring.
LDR 3221 – Contemporary Issues in Leadership (3)
This course explores current issues in the campus, local, and global community and analyzes how leadership is being enacted. Students learn leadership theory and to identify and think about how it is displayed, especially within the context of current issues.
This course is offered online in summer, fall, and spring OR in person twice a week for 75 minutes in fall and spring.
Recommended Electives
LDR 2160 – Peer Leadership* (3)
The purpose of this course is to introduce the study of peer education, mentoring, and leadership using text and outside readings, activities, and a variety of other assignments. It will give students a deeper understanding of themselves and appreciation for the diversity of others.
LDR 2190 – Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (3)
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership is a theory to practice course focusing on the role of emotional intelligence (EI) in leadership knowledge, skills, and development. Students taking this course will be introduced to Emotionally Intelligent Leadership (EIL) theory and consider the role of EI in the context of individual and team leadership development.
Courses with the * distinction are a Scholarship in Practice course, meaning this course has been approved to meet FSU’s Liberal Studies Scholarship in Practice requirements.
Leadership Studies Certificate FAQ's
What are the overall requirements for the certificate?
How do I become admitted to the certificate program?
When should I apply to the certificate program?
Why should I complete the certificate program?
Who should take these courses? When should they take them?
- LDR 2160 is encouraged as an LDR elective for FSL members newer to the FSL community.
- LDR 2190 is recommended for any FSL members as an LDR elective, except PHA members who intend to be a recruitment counselor.
- LDR 3215 is recommended for any FSL members as an LDR core course.
- LDR 3221 is recommended for any FSL members as an LDR core course.