About the Center

The fraternity and sorority life community nationwide faces a significant challenge: the lack of a standardized understanding of what distinguishes a successful chapter from an underperforming one. This absence of clear criteria hampers the ability to assess chapter quality and subsequently inhibits the holistic development of each organization. Chapters have diverse needs, and a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer effective in nurturing their growth. Consequently, there arises a pressing need for a long-term solution. The core objective of our center is to empirically assess the holistic success of fraternity and sorority life organizations. 

The Center for Fraternity and Sorority Organizational Wellness has three core goals: build collaborative communities, innovate holistic development programs, and empower with data-driven decision-making. Building on their mission, this new center is grounded in a growth mindset and undergirded in tenets of positive psychology. CFSW utilizes user center design thinking to craft effective and impactful programs and interventions. The Center prides itself on being grounded in data and particularly how it uses data to inform its practice.  

The Center is designed to comprehensively address the needs of chapters, focusing on several key areas to ensure long-term impact and sustainability. Firstly, the center will dive into Long-Term Impact and Sustainability by developing strategies that foster enduring growth and resilience within each fraternity and sorority. Membership Engagement & Development will be a core focus, nurturing a sense of unity, involvement, and personal growth among members. Performance Metrics will be tracked, providing chapters with data-driven insights to enhance their operational efficiency and overall effectiveness. Vision & Strategy sessions will guide chapters in setting clear goals and roadmaps for their development, aligning their activities with a broader, purposeful vision. 

The Center will prioritize Leadership & Personal Development, offering tailored programs to hone leadership skills, emotional intelligence, and ethical decision-making. Organizational Health & Governance will be strengthened through conversations focusing on effective governance structures, transparent communication, and conflict-resolution techniques. Community Engagement and Philanthropy initiatives will encourage chapters to contribute meaningfully to society, fostering a sense of social responsibility. 

In essence, the Center will serve as a multifaceted support system, guiding chapters in their pursuit of excellence. By addressing these vital aspects, the center will empower fraternity and sorority members to become not just successful within their respective organizations, but also responsible, resilient, and compassionate leaders in the broader community.